The handle is helpful for me to carry it up to my apartment on the third floor. The problem was lack of instructions on how to install the handle. I asked support for clarity and instructions and got a instructional video for installing the handle on a similar scooter. The video was helpful but the handle came with three unnecessary parts which was just confusing. According to the video, I just needed a tool (which I owned) and the handle. I received the handle, two large silver nuts that didn’t match the black screws on the handle and a silver bar that doesn’t make sense to go anywhere on the scooter. Overall, I like the handle but please make the instructional video more accessible like put it on the website where you order the handle and don’t send other unneeded parts. It would be nice to have a video just for the Horizon handle, but the other one was fine. Also, if you ever make a handle that allows you to carry the Horizon with one arm, that would be amazing!! Thank you!